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551 Ar PVN 21% (4.55 Bez PVN )
Discovery Basics EK5 ir kabatas multinstruments ar sešiem piederumiem, kas noderēs kempingā un ceļojumā. Svilpe raidīs skaļus signālus, lai brīdinātu ikvienu par ārkārtas situāciju. Lukturīti var izmantot, lai vājā apgaismojumā izgaismotu ceļu priekšā. Kompass palīdzēs jums noteikt pasaules...
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659 Ar PVN 21% (5.45 Bez PVN )
Discovery Basics EK10 komplektā ietilpst seši piederumi. Tas ir lielisks rīks pētniekiem un pārgājieniem. Tā funkcionalitāte padarīs vieglāk paveicamu vairāku dienu pārgājienu un palīdzēs jums atrisināt daudzus uzdevumus ikdienā. Tā ir kompakta ierīce ar sadalītu korpusa konstrukciju, kuras...
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990 Ar PVN 21% (8.18 Bez PVN )
Šis kompaktais un uzticamais Levenhuk DC45 kompass būs noderīgs dažādās situācijās: orientēšanās , izsekošana un pat astronomiski novērojumi . Mēģinot novērot debesis ar spēcīgu apgaismojumu, vai kad Polaris nav redzams debess sfērā, var būt grūti atrast Ziemeļdaļas daļu....
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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990 Ar PVN 21% (8.18 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk LabZZ SK5 Black ir daudzfunkcionāls instruments, ko jaunie ceļotāji var izmantot neizpētītās zemēs. Optika sastāv no vairākiem ievelkamiem objektīviem, kurus var dažādi kombinēt, lai ierīci izmantotu kā monokulāru, binokli, stereoskopu vai tālskati. Savienojot divus lielos...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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990 Ar PVN 21% (8.18 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk LabZZ SK5 Green izdzīvošanas komplekts ir daudzfunkcionāls sīkrīks, kas patiks bērniem un pusaudžiem. Tas palīdzēs bērniem izpētīt apkārtni pārgājiena laikā un tuvāk iepazīt savvaļas dzīvnieku pasauli un vienlaikus uzzināt daudz jauna par optikas iespējām. Komplekts ir izgatavots no...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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1430 Ar PVN 21% (11.82 Bez PVN )
RažotājsNational Geographic
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1540 Ar PVN 21% (12.73 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk DC65 Kompass ir klasisks modelis pozicionēšanai un orientēšanai uz kartes. Iebūvētais apgaismojums, ļauj tumsā izmantot kompasu. Novērošanas slots un palielinošs objektīvs ar redzes rievu, palīdzēs, jums noteikt virzienu. Kompasa sānu malās ir divi skalas stieņi. Izmantojot...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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1762 Ar PVN 21% (14.56 Bez PVN )
Liquid filled jewel bearing compass Balanced for northern hemisphere Cardinal directions in luminous prints on card Direction on rotating bezel in 10 degrees increments Clips to watch strap, sleeve, strap of backpack, side of map etc. A fun, supercompact aid for...
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1869 Ar PVN 21% (15.45 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk Army AC10 Compass is a professional instrument for orientation and navigation. It helps to precisely keep you in the right direction in the woods, plot a route on a map, and assess a distance between remote objects. Levenhuk Army AC10 is an excellent choice for a professional...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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1895 Ar PVN 21% (15.66 Bez PVN )
Patogus kompasas su dideliu padidinimo stiklu ir fosforine strėlyte.
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2015 Ar PVN 21% (16.65 Bez PVN )
High grade steel needle with jewel bearing Balanced for northern hemisphere Fixed declination correction scale Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Detachable snap-lock lanyard. Easy to detach for working with the map Suunto limited lifetime warranty Made in...
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2600 Ar PVN 21% (21.49 Bez PVN )
High grade steel needle with jewel bearing Balanced for northern hemisphere Fixed declination correction scale Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Luminescent markings for working in low light Metric scales Baseplate with magnifying lens Control marking...
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2700 Ar PVN 21% (22.31 Bez PVN )
Mirror for sighting bearings and signaling Sighting hole and notch for accurate bearings High grade steel needle with jewel bearing Balanced for northern hemisphere Fixed declination correction scale Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Floating Detachable...
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3000 Ar PVN 21% (24.79 Bez PVN )
Parocīgs rokas kompass Izmēri 41 x 47 x 14 mm Svars 16 g
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3300 Ar PVN 21% (27.27 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk Army AC20 Compass is a professional instrument for orientation and navigation. It helps to precisely keep you in the right direction in the woods, plot a route on a map, and assess a distance between remote objects. Levenhuk Army AC20 is an excellent choice for a professional...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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4500 Ar PVN 21% (37.19 Bez PVN )
High grade steel needle with jewel bearing Balanced for northern hemisphere Adjustable declination correction Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Luminescent markings for working in low light Metric and Imperial scales Baseplate with magnifying lens...
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5700 Ar PVN 21% (47.11 Bez PVN )
Stable needle for competitive orienteering Orienteering with traditional turnable capsule Orienteering by AIM sectors Needle visually great for orienteering with needle to meridian alignment Balanced for the northern hemisphere Dual bearing with sapphire Neodymium...
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5700 Ar PVN 21% (47.11 Bez PVN )
Thumb compass Stable needle for competitive orienteering Orienteering with traditional turnable capsule Orienteering by AIM sectors Needle visually great for orienteering with needle to meridian alignment Balanced for the northern hemisphere Dual bearing with sapphire...
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5700 Ar PVN 21% (47.11 Bez PVN )
Fast globally balanced needle with jewel bearing 20 degrees tilt margin for easier readings Adjustable declination correction Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Clinometer Luminescent markings for working in low light Metric and Imperial UTM scales...
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7000 Ar PVN 21% (57.85 Bez PVN )
Accuracy 0.5° Graduation interval 1° Scale: Azimuth 360°, Reversed 360° Adjustable diopter Saphire bearing Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Plastic housing Floating Lanyard Made in Finland Measurements 78 x 57 x 20 mm Weight 36 g
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7100 Ar PVN 21% (58.68 Bez PVN )
Kabatas tipa kompass Izturīgs korpuss Izmērs 67 x 47 x 22 mm Svars 55 g
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7100 Ar PVN 21% (58.68 Bez PVN )
Fast globally balanced needle with jewel bearing 20 degrees tilt margin for easier readings Adjustable declination correction Liquid filled capsule for stable operation Mirror for sighting bearings and signaling Sighting hole and notch for accurate bearings Clinometer...