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433 Ar PVN 21% (3.58 Bez PVN )
Plastic belt clip with a spring and metal bracket. To be fixed at the radio with two screws.
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2178 Ar PVN 21% (18.00 Bez PVN )
The cool Tectalk Joy is the ideal starter device for the whole family! The handy and lightweight mini walkie-talkie is perfect for young and old alike, because the child´s play operation, the clear functions and the appealing, fresh design make it the perfect companion for numerous...
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2700 Ar PVN 21% (22.31 Bez PVN )
2 kompakta izmēra rācijas, darbojas no 3 x AAA baterijām (komplektā neietilpst), darbības radiuss 3km Neliela izmēra rācijas Max darbības radiuss 3 km Rodger beep signāls Svars 64 grami Izmēri: 113.8 x 54.5 x 35mm Pieejamas dažādās krāsās Komplektā baterijas...
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3200 Ar PVN 21% (26.45 Bez PVN )
Easy to use for children Awarded by the working committee for children´s play + toys Approved according to toy standard DIN EN71 and DIN EN62115 Registration and free of charge Low radiation Dimensions: 34 x 48 x 115mm With the new Walkie Talkie Albrecht Tectalk Smile you become an...
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3501 Ar PVN 21% (28.93 Bez PVN )
Rāciju komplekts (2gab), darbības radiuss 4km, Midland XT5 is the new and colorful pocket radio for all family. XT 5 has real channels, scans all frequencies within a 4 km range, and uses half-duplex transmission: start your own the adventure now! Designed to have fun with family...
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4000 Ar PVN 21% (33.06 Bez PVN )
Vai jūs dodaties uz aizraujošu meža izpēti, dodieties kempinga piedzīvojumā vai vienkārši spēlējaties ārā ar draugiem? Bērniem paredzētās FREEK VONK x BRESSER rācijas nodrošina jums saziņu visu piedzīvojumu laikā! Ar iespaidīgo 6 kilometru diapazonu atklātā reljefā šīs rācijas nodrošina...
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4500 Ar PVN 21% (37.19 Bez PVN )
Neliela izmēra rācijas Max darbības radiuss 3 km Rodger beep signāls Svars 64 grami Izmēri: 113.8 x 54.5 x 35mm Pieejamas dažādās krāsās Komplektā baterijas neietilpst RED CAMO 3-KILOMETER WALKIE TALKIE RADIOS The ergonomically designed radio is...
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4600 Ar PVN 21% (38.02 Bez PVN )
" The cool Walkie Talkie for the whole family. The Tectalk Easy 3 is the ideal beginner´s device - not only for kids! The handy and light-weight mini-walkie-talkie is perfect for small and large. The easy-to-use operation, clear functions and an attractive and fresh design make it the perfect...
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5100 Ar PVN 21% (42.15 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk LabZZ WTT10 oranžā rācijas un binokļu komplekts ir īsts ieguvums bērnu grupai. Binokļi var uzraudzīt apgabalu un izsekot ienaidnieka kustībām, un rācijas var palīdzēt uzturēt kontaktus ar komandu no attāluma. Ierīces ir lieliski piemērotas daudzām āra spēlēm un sniegs jaunas idejas...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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5100 Ar PVN 21% (42.15 Bez PVN )
Levenhuk LabZZ WTT10 zilā rācijas un binokļu komplekts ir īsts ieguvums bērnu grupai. Binokļi var uzraudzīt apgabalu un izsekot ienaidnieka kustībām, un rācijas var palīdzēt uzturēt kontaktus ar komandu no attāluma. Ierīces ir lieliski piemērotas daudzām āra spēlēm un sniegs jaunas idejas...
Ražotājs Levenhuk
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7260 5900 Ar PVN 21% (48.76 Bez PVN )
Rāciju komplekts, darbības rādiuss 4km, darbojas ar 3 x AAA baterijām The new version of this model introduces appreciable technical improvements, including the extended PMR446 band and resistance to humidity and dew (SPLASH PROOF). Midland improves the XT line of...
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6601 Ar PVN 21% (54.55 Bez PVN )
4 rāciju komplekts, darbības radiuss 4km Midland XT5 is the new and colorful pocket radio for all family. XT 5 has real channels, scans all frequencies within a 4 km range, and uses half-duplex transmission: start your own the adventure now! Designed to have fun with family and...
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7600 Ar PVN 21% (62.81 Bez PVN )
Rāciju komplekts, 2 gab, max darbības attālums 6km, darbojas ar 3 x AAA akumulatoriem/baterijām, kompletkā USB uzlādes vads XT30 PRO keeps the bright green colour of the previous version and adds extension to the PMR446 band. Another feature to report is the resistance to...
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9680 7900 Ar PVN 21% (65.29 Bez PVN )
Rāciju komplekts, darbības radiuss 8km, darbojas ar akumulatoriem 700mAh (NiMh), uzlāde ar USB The features previously proposed by the XT50 and XT60 models converge in the XT50; to these are added further functions and a body always in strong colours! The PMR446 band is...
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8100 Ar PVN 21% (66.94 Bez PVN )
PMR rācija, 32 kanāli, 185 grami, li-ion akumulators Midland G10 Pro portable trancseiver Do you want a semi-professional radio without having to learn all the operating details? G10 Pro is the right solution for you. With 32 channels, which can be quickly selected and...
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8400 Ar PVN 21% (69.42 Bez PVN )
Midland colours the first radio of the new XT PRO line. From a social survey among our most loyal fans, the 3 winning colours were: GREEN, ORANGE and FUCHSIA. And here´s the production of the first product released right from the network. XT10 PRO...
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8700 Ar PVN 21% (71.90 Bez PVN )
ALBRECHT AE 6110 VOX CB mobile radio The ALBRECHT AE 6110 VOX has all the essential functions that you need. The highlight: with a width of only 10 cm and a height of 2.5 cm, it can easily be accommodated even in the smallest of spaces. With its die-cast housing, it is very stable. New:...
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9200 Ar PVN 21% (76.03 Bez PVN )
Rācijas, rādiuss 12 km, 1000mAh akumulators, uzlādes stacijas un austiņas komplektā
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9600 Ar PVN 21% (79.34 Bez PVN )
PMR rācija, 101 kanāli, komplektā 1 rācija, akumulaotri 4 x AA 1800mAh, VOX, IPX4 mitrumizturība, svars 114 grami Midland G9 Pro Midland G9 becomes Pro, the excellent radio suitable for any outdoor use. G9 Pro has a 30% larger display and a 30% improved audio compared to...
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9600 Ar PVN 21% (79.34 Bez PVN )
Albrecht Tectalk Deluxe portable radio transmitter Radio communication at its best: The Albrecht Tectalk Deluxe in the stylish brushed aluminum casing offers versatile functions and a high range. The device is designed especially for demanding users, who attach great importance to design...
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9801 Ar PVN 21% (81.00 Bez PVN )
PMR 446 rācijas, ūdens izturīgas (IP67 klase), jauda 0,5W, 16+8 PMR kanāli, izmēri: 59 x 102 x 38mm, svars 238 grami
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10100 Ar PVN 21% (83.47 Bez PVN )
Rācija transportlīdzekļiem, liels 4,7cm ekrāns, 9 kanāli, VOX funkcija
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10400 Ar PVN 21% (85.95 Bez PVN )
FEATURES, FUNCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS: • 40 channels AM / FM • Up/down channel ѕelector • Volume adjustment and ON/OFF • Manual squelch and ASC • Multi-functions LCD display • S-meter • ANL filter, NB • VOX • F function key • Beep Function • Mode switch AM / FM • Preset channel...
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10500 Ar PVN 21% (86.78 Bez PVN )
Rācija, 85 kanāli, 1200mAh akumulators - 18 stundas darbības laiks, 10km darbības attālums, svars 123 grami Midland G9 Pro Midland G9 becomes Pro, the excellent radio suitable for any outdoor use. G9 Pro has a 30% larger display and a 30% improved audio compared to the...
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